The philosophy of Terraverde is one of mutual respect towards everyone we deal with and in particular the local people; the use of prostitutes is completely contrary to this philosophy and we are strongly opposed to any of our travelers visiting prostitutes while in Asia. There are wider social implications apart from the risk of HIV/STDs, many Asian prostitutes are bonded labour unable to return to their communities.
Child prostitution or sex tourism is an abhorrent and illegal act that we strongly condemn. Any incidences of this will be reported to local and international authorities who will ensure that the person involved will be questioned, and if appropriate, charged.
Do not give to begging children as it encourages them to make a living this way. You may wish to give to the elderly or disabled as there is no social security or way these people can earn money.
Ways not to give!
Giving money and goods away at random to individuals accentuates an unequal relationship between locals and visitors, with tourists being seen as purely ‘money givers’. Do not pay for acts of kindness in monetary terms (eg. paying kids for photographs) this encourages the development of a society that equates every human action as a potential money making scheme.
Do not give sweets to children in the villages that we visit. Local people do not have access to dentists and there is the issue of turning children into beggars. Pens, toothbrushes, clothing are best distributed via a local charity, school teacher, or community leader.
Avoid feeling that you necessarily have to give ‘material’ things, giving something of your friendship, time and interest to interact like a smile, a joke, a sing-song, dance or playing a game – this can be the best gift of all.
Social Issues